SEEDS (Individual Membership for Teachers)


You Can Grow with SEEDS!

Are you looking for a professional teacher membership organization? Join SEEDS (Supporting Early Education Develops Success) and grow personally and professionally within the early childhood education industry.

SEEDS provides early childhood educators the opportunity to:

  • Provide relevant and valuable industry specific information.
  • Professional development opportunities to increase their skill and effectiveness in the classroom.
  • SEEDS membership meets the requirement for membership in a professional organization required to renew the                   National CDA or FCCPC (Florida Child Care professional Credential).
  • SEEDS is designed to be affordable and to meet the needs of teachers.
  • Discount and saving programs to help you save money.

 Please complete the application below to register and partake in all the benefits membership entails; be sure to use your personal email address when registering.

If you have any questions about joining SEEDS, please email: or call 1.800.322.2603.

Payment Terms and Conditions

All Membership (FACCM and SEEDS) and APPLE Annual Reporting invoices are billed annually on the anniversary of the membership. Portfolio Review/Verification Fees are due upon Electronic Portfolio Submission (please review the APPLE Manual located in the Member Hub for more specific instructions). Membership and APPLE Annual Reporting fees are due by the last day of the month; unpaid invoices are subject to a $50 late fee effective on the first day of the following month. Membership fees and Annual Reporting fees including late fees not received by end of second month are dropped including revocation of APPLE Accreditation and notification made to Gold Seal office as applicable. All fees are due in advance of services and nonrefundable. We accept most major credit cards and debit cards associated with a checking account in addition to checks made payable to The Florida Association for Child Care Management, Inc. (FACCM) and mailed to 4840 Dairy Rd. Suite 101 Melbourne, FL 32904.

Select An Option

SEEDS – Supporting Early Education Develops Success – is available to all teachers and directors.                                               


  • Membership into a professional teacher organization
  • Access CEUs through The CORE               
  • Access to Career Connections, FACCM’s job referral service 
  • Discounts on conferences and other professional development opportunities  
  • Discounts on products and materials
  • Meet the requirements needed for renewal of your CDA 
  • Access  to  Exclusive  Member-Only  Teacher’s  Forum

SEEDS – Supporting Early Education Develops Success – is available to all teachers and directors.                                               


  • Membership into a professional teacher organization
  • Access CEUs through The CORE               
  • Access to Career Connections, FACCM’s job referral service 
  • Discounts on conferences and other professional development opportunities  
  • Discounts on products and materials
  • Meet the requirements needed for renewal of your CDA 
  • Access  to  Exclusive  Member-Only  Teacher’s  Forum
Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist